2025 Mission Trips

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:19-20 ESV


Dates: June 20th-29th | Price: $3,200

  • Our India trip is what we call a vision trip. It looks a little different than what you may expect from a traditional mission trip, but is just as vital in furthering the gospel. You will do more prayer and dreaming than serving. If you are interested in missions, want to know what it looks like to be a missionary, or if you want to grow your heart for missions this trip is for you!

  • Explore the country of India with local missionaries as you pray over and experience indian culture. You will partner with on-the-ground missionaries and locals in order to host CrossFit and Zumba classes as well as prayer walk through Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh communities. You will also see up close what it looks like to be a missionary in a foreign country. Be prepared to pray and get a good workout in on this trip!


Dates: June 4th-June 11th | Price: $2,750

  • Our Alaska trip is considered both a vision and service trip. This trip is perfect for anyone who wants to see what marketplace ministry looks like in rural Alaska. You’ll embark on a cross-cultural experience that takes you beyond your comfort zone, gives opportunities for the Holy Spirit to speak, and allows you to see God move in powerful ways.

  • Work with the local team as you host a vacation bible school for children in one of the villages. Help children encounter God through worship games and teachings.


Dates: March 14th-22nd | Price: $2,600

  • Our France trip is what we consider a vision trip. It looks a little different than what you may expect from a traditional mission trip but is just as vital in furthering the gospel. This trip is less service-based and more prayer-based. If you have a vibrant prayer life or want to grow in prayer/reaching others with the gospel, this trip is for you!

  • There are a couple of things that you will do on this trip. The main thing is working with the local Students for Christ (Chi Alpha in Europe). You will partner with the local college ministry to pray on and around the college campus in Gernoble, as well as help with outreach in order to connect students with the college ministry there. Get a closer look at what the day-to-day life of a missionary to Europe looks like!

Denver, Colorado

Dates: March 16th-22nd | Price: $1,050

  • Whether you have never been on a mission trip before or you are wanting to see what God can do right here in the US, this trip is for all! This trip combines a variety of experiences including, but not limited to: service, vision, and evangelism!

  • You will be working with the Dream Centers. The Dream Center networks goal is to reach those affected by hunger, homelessness, and other life events that put them at a disadvantage. Through evangelism, resource distribution, and classes the Dream Center offers individuals and families a safe place to encounter God's love while getting a fresh start at life. You will work with the Dream Center to host events, participate in street evangelism, and other humanitarian efforts to share the gospel with those in and around the area. 

NYC, New York

Dates: March 18th-23rd | Price: $1650

  • Whether you have never been on a mission trip before or you are wanting to see what God can do right here in the US, this trip is for all! This trip combines a variety of experiences including, but not limited to: service, vision, and evangelism!

  • You will be working with the Dream Centers. The Dream Center networks goal is to reach those affected by hunger, homelessness, and other life events that put them at a disadvantage. Through evangelism, resource distribution, and classes the Dream Center offers individuals and families a safe place to encounter God's love while getting a fresh start at life. You will work with the Dream Center to host events, participate in street evangelism, and other humanitarian efforts to share the gospel with those in and around the area. 

Dallas, Texas

Dates: March 16th-22nd | Price: $1,450

  • Whether you have never been on a mission trip before or you are wanting to see what God can do right here in the US, this trip is for all! This trip combines a variety of experiences including, but not limited to: service, vision, and evangelism!

  • You will be working with the Dream Centers. The Dream Center networks goal is to reach those affected by hunger, homelessness, and other life events that put them at a disadvantage. Through evangelism, resource distribution, and classes the Dream Center offers individuals and families a safe place to encounter God's love while getting a fresh start at life. You will work with the Dream Center to host events, participate in street evangelism, and other humanitarian efforts to share the gospel with those in and around the area. 

Youth Summer Camp

Dates: June 9th-13th, June 16th-20th, June 23rd-27th, June 29th-July 3rd | Price: $100/Week

  • Ever thought about working a summer camp but don’t want to commit to a whole summer? Love working with Middle School or High School students? If so, this trip is for you! 

  • Join the team as they work at the youth summer camp that is partnered with Chi Alpha. Spend one, two, or three weeks hosting youth groups from around the state of Iowa as they attend summer camp. You will help serve the camp and students in a variety of different ways and will be a part of helping youth students grow in their faith.

Give towards a Mission Trip.

If you would like to support someone going on a mission trip, or give towards your personal funding, follow the link below! Under “Mission Trips” - write in the name of the student your donation is going towards!