Mission Trip Interest Form

You must fill out your first, second, and third choice with DIFFERENT trips. If there are not three different trips you can go on, you can indicate that at the bottom of the form. You are not guaranteed your first choice due to limited availability for each trip. In the event that a trip becomes full, it will be the Chi Alpha staff team's decision as to who will go on each trip.

If you plan to go on an International Trip (including Alaska), after submitting the interest form, please fill out the International Trip Application. After filling out that application, and if you have been selected for an international trip, Aaron will email you the Mission Trips Agreement and Expectations form. Upon returning the form, you will be asked to put down a $100 non-refundable deposit fee to secure your spot for that trip.

If you have any questions or concerns reach out to Aaron at aaron@northerniowaxa.com!